
There is so much going on….How can I cope with stressful events in the news?

Mental Health

➡️ We know that COVID-19 is not the only challenge we are facing together.

And while we don’t have a way to make sense of the conflict happening in the world, we want you to know that we are here for our nerdy nation and continue to be committed to bringing you accurate, brief, and understandable information, including information on how to take care of yourself. We are hopeful that all people will have peace, safety, and health in the upcoming days and weeks.

❓So what can you do to decrease your stress around the events happening in the world?

1. LIMIT YOUR NEWS INTAKE. Choose a few key news sources, make sure they are reputable, and follow them only. Limit checking the news to a few times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) to minimize the constant checking. Focus on understanding the situation (history, statistics, data, context) rather than reading frequent updates that may lead to information overwhelm.

2. ACCEPT HOW YOU FEEL. It is OK to be upset, cry, and feel anxious. We may feel distant or have no control over the events happening, but we can still have an emotional response. By understanding this and accepting (not fighting it) we can put in place healthy coping strategies.

3. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY. Focus on controlling what you can like eating, sleeping, exercising, and drinking water. By caring for your body, you are setting yourself up to best handle stressful situations and showing compassion for yourself.

4. LOOK FOR THE GOOD. Find positive stories and information about the pandemic and the conflict happening in Europe. Do not only focus on negative stories. Finding those rays of hope (i.e. being grateful) can help remind us that there are good things happening out there too.

5. SEEK OUT HEALTHY COPING STRATEGIES. Try connecting with others, practicing breathing, finding ways to help (if feasible), and doing things you enjoy to keep you focusing on your connection to others, the present moment, and how you can create positive feelings for yourself. We have some additional strategies here.

6. CONNECT WITH HELP. Do not be afraid to reach out if you are not feeling better after trying some new strategies. If you have persistent negative thoughts, have difficulty focusing on the positive, are in a constant state of anxiety, or if you are not able to get out of bed or do things that you used to do, please do seek help. We have previously posted resources here

🌈 Stay safe. Stay well.

With love,
Those Nerdy Girls

Additional Links:

Previous post on supporting a friend

Six tips for Coping with the News (post adapted from this article)


Link to Original FB Post