
Dear Pandemic Origin Story Revisited


This week, to commemorate two years of the magical collaboration that is Dear Pandemic, we’ll be re-sharing some posts from back in the day… back when we thought we would sunset this project by August 2020 at the latest.

Back when the best data we had was coming off of the #DiamondPrincess. Back when we genuinely weren’t sure if masks were helpful. Before vaccines, before antigen tests, before … before so much happened.

Today I’m re-sharing the origin story, from my point of view. If you ever wondered what our beginnings looked like from my perspective, here you go. Highlights include an Icelandair flight, a pair of costume steampunk goggles courtesy of the CDC , 9 seasons of My Little Pony, the real Dr. Phil , some depressing Fitbit data, and so much more. Please enjoy.

– Your reluctant, retired Editor in Chief and co-Founder, Malia Jones, PhD, MPH

Link to Original FB Post