
Are there ways to combat COVID-19’s differential impact on mental health for communities of color?

Mental Health Social and Racial Justice

A: Our hearts go out to each and every one of you right now. We cannot deny the inequities that COVID-19 has further exposed and the hurt that we have seen in our country over the past week.

We are not experts on everything and cannot solve all problems, but we can offer support.

We believe these resources are a start to opening up conversations on mental health, getting people resources, and helping our followers to share with their networks, friends, and loved ones.

Together, we can elevate one another’s voices with a stronger, more supportive message.

1) A perspective to help us understand the stresses associated with seeking or receiving mental health care from Dr. Jonathan Shephard.

2) Information to help our understanding of the experience of racism on stress and anxiety.

3) A webinar from the AMA and the Minority Quality Forum with providers discussing their own tried and true strategies

4) Bohemiam Black Girl Podcast for support and inspiration from therapist Janelle Posey-Green

Also….Therapy for Black Girls with podcast, community, and blog.

5) Therapy for black men, a site dedicated to help individuals find therapists, resources, articles, and even share experiences

6) Black Mental Health Alliance, a site with many resources ranging from finding a therapist to information on COVID-19

7) Resources from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America with national and local resources

We are here for you. We care. And there is hope.


Link to original FB post