
¿Cuál ha sido el impacto de COVID-19 en los trabajadores de la salud? ¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudar?

Infection and Spread Posts en Español Staying Safe

R: Las personas que trabajan en el sector de salud están en alto riesgo de contraer COVID-19 en el trabajo y también están bajo tremendo estrés por las demandas de enfrentar la pandemia. En los EE.UU., más de 173,000 trabajadores de la salud han contraído COVID-19 y al menos 742 han muerto. Nuestros médicos, enfermeros/enfermeras, Read more…

How can I help encourage my colleagues in healthcare settings to get the Covid-19 vaccination?

Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

A: Personal beliefs and experiences inform varying levels of acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccine now becoming available to essential workers in healthcare settings. Listen to the reasons for concern, respond with compassion and facts, and make it easy to take actionable steps forward. REALLY LISTEN. Not all vaccine hesitancy stems from the same concerns. Creating Read more…

Does someone who has been vaccinated still need to wear a mask and take other precautions?

Infection and Spread Vaccines

A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…