
“I’ve read that the Pfizer vaccine causes female infertility by blocking a protein that is key in the formation of the placenta in mammals. Is there any shred of truth to this?”

Families/Kids Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

A: No. There is no truth to this rumor. There is nothing in the human genome that is similar to the spike protein that each of the vaccines are targeting to prevent COVID-19. 💉First of all, rumors about similarity between the placenta proteins and spike protein just do not pass the sniff test. Remember: extraordinary Read more…

The FDA is meeting TODAY about the Pfizer Covid19 vaccine. How does a vaccine get from the lab to my doctor’s office?


A: It’s a big process with lots of steps and players! These include clinical development and testing, review by the FDA, review by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, distribution to communities, and finally, vaccination. Let’s run down the process. The Covid vaccine is on the horizon! Hooray! The FDA is meeting TODAY (watch it Read more…