
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?

Infection and Spread

A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…

¿Cuáles son algunas cosas prácticas que puedo hacer para protegerme a mí mismo, a mi familia y amigos de contraer COVID-19?

Families/Kids Posts en Español Staying Safe

R: Aunque estamos viendo un aumento de casos nuevos en muchas partes de los Estados Unidos y Europa, todavía hay acciones que podemos tomar para reducir el riesgo de contraer COVID-19. 1: Evite pequeñas reuniones sociales con gente fuera de su hogar. 2: Póngase en cuarentena por 2 semanas si ha sido expuesto al virus. Read more…

Are we over-counting COVID-19 deaths? Wouldn’t lots of people dying of COVID19 be dying from other causes anyway?

Data and Metrics Data Literacy

A: Sadly, it is clear that we are NOT over-counting COVID deaths. It’s true that some people who died of COVID-19 over the past 9 months would have died anyway, but we can account for this by counting OVERALL deaths compared to the same period in previous years. Among the COVID-19 myths that just won’t Read more…