
If I have a symptomatic case of COVID, what are the chances I have a full recovery?

Clinical Symptoms Data and Metrics

A: On *average*, about 80% of symptomatic cases will recover without hospitalization. But (big big but): your mileage may vary. One of the things epidemiologists study is the “natural history” of a disease — or how a given disease progresses in individuals from start to finish. Most diseases and conditions have a stylized or typical Read more…

What do epidemiologists think about Joe Biden and Mike Pence (and other national leaders) testing negative for COVID on Friday?

Testing and Contact Tracing

A: A negative test result does NOT mean that Mr. Pence and Mr. Biden are COVID-free… even if that happens to be really inconvenient for them. Everyone who has been near the President of the United States in the last week (or who has been around anyone else with COVID-19 for that matter) should self-quarantine Read more…